التقديم على عقود عمل في مقاطعة يوكون كندية لمدة سنتين بشكل رسمي

d8a7d984d8aad982d8afd98ad985 d8b9d984d989 d8b9d982d988d8af d8b9d985d984 d983d986d8afd8a7 d984d985d8afd8a9 d8b3d986d8aad98ad986 d981d98a 66baabf296e40

مرحبا بكم زوارنا الأعزاء أين ما كنتم في هذا المقال سيحاول موقعكم استفادة دوت نت تقديم كل المعلومات في يخص التقديم على عقود عمل كندا لمدة سنتين في مقاطعة يوكون بشكل رسمي.

 التَّقْديم على عقود عمل كندا لمدة سنتين فِي مقاطعة يوكون بشكُلُّ رسمي

التَّقْديم على عقود عمل كندا لمدة سنتين فِي مقاطعة يوكون بشكُلُّ رسمي

Yukon Community Pilot – Open work permit

How to apply

The Yukon Community Pilot (YCP) is a new stream of the Yukon Nominee Program. The YCP launched in 2020 and will run until June 2025.

If you have a valid nomination for permanent residence from Yukon, you may be eligible for a 2-year location-restricted open work permit under the YCP.

About the work permit

This work permit:

– lets you work for up to 3 different employers in 1 of the participating Yukon communities

– is valid for 2 years

– doesn’t need a Labour Market Impact Assessment

The participating communities are:


Watson Lake

Dawson City

Haines Junction



Work permit eligibility

To qualify for the work permit, you must:

– have 2 or 3 eligible job offers

– have a signed letter of support from the Government of Yukon

meet the general requirements for a work permit

Job offer requirements

The jobs you’re offered must meet all these requirements:

– They must all be in the same participating Yukon community

– They must add up to at least 30 hours of work a week (equal to a full-time job)

– They must be non-seasonal

– In general, this means you have consistent and regularly scheduled paid employment throughout the year

– The wage must meet or exceed the minimum wage

– Your experience must show that you can perform the duties of the jobs offered

Documents you need before you apply

Before you apply for a work permit, you need to include these documents in your application:

– a copy of the nomination letter from the Government of Yukon confirming that you’ve been nominated for permanent residence

– a signed letter of support from the Government of Yukon stating

  • that the employers who are offering you the jobs need you to work in the community as soon as possible
  • that the job offers are genuine
  • the details of the job offers, including the

————names of the employers


————number of hours

————job locations

Your employer is not required to submit an offer of employment in the Employer Portal.

How to apply for the work permit

You must apply online for the work permit. You can’t apply on paper.

The application forms and process you need to follow depend on where you’re applying from.

Select where you’re applying from to see your instructions.

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