للراغبين في السفر إلى فنلندا، من المهم معرفة الإجراءات والمتطلبات اللازمة للحصول على فيزا شنغن. ستغطي هذه المقالة الخطوات الأساسية والمستندات المطلوبة لعملية التقديم.

أماكن التقديم على فيزا فنلندا:

  1. مركز تقديم طلبات الفيزا :
    يمكنك التقديم على الفيزا في مركز تقديم طلبات الفيزا الذي تحدده البعثة الفنلندية.
  2. بعثة فنلندية :
    يمكنك أيضاً التقديم في السفارة أو القنصلية الفنلندية المباشرة في بلدك.
  3. بعثة دولة شنغن تمثل فنلندا :
    في بعض الحالات، يمكن التقديم عن طريق بعثة دولة شنغن أخرى تمثل فنلندا.

المستندات المطلوبة:

للتقديم على الفيزا، ستحتاج إلى المستندات التالية والتي يمكن العثور على تفاصيلها ومتطلبات أخرى مخصصة لكل دولة على الموقع الرسمي finlandvisa.fi:

  • نموذج طلب الفيزا المعبأ
  • صورة فوتوغرافية حديثة
  • جواز سفر صالح مع صلاحية ممتدة بعد انتهاء الفيزا المطلوبة.
  • تأمين سفر يغطي فترة الإقامة.
  • خطاب الدعوة إذا كان هناك جهة دعيك.
  • تفاصيل الرحلة مثل حجوزات الطيران والفنادق.
  • دليل على الموارد المالية : يجب أن يكون لديك دليل على قدرتك المالية لتغطية مدة الإقامة، وبأدنى حد 50 يورو في اليوم في فنلندا.

استشارة دول شنغن الأخرى:

بعض الدول الأعضاء في شنغن تحتاج إلى استشارة قبل منح الفيزا لمواطني بعض الدول. هذه المتطلبات الاستشارية متوفرة على موقع الفيزا الرسمي لفنلندا.

اقرأ أيضاً: السفر المجاني إلى النمسا شامل فيزا الشنغن وتذاكر الطيران 2024

خطوات التقديم:

  1. جمع المستندات المطلوبة :
    تأكد من جمع جميع المستندات الأساسية والتحقق من متطلبات محددة لبلدك.
  2. تحديد موعد :
    حدد موعد مع مركز تقديم الطلبات أو البعثة المناسبة.
  3. تقديم الطلب :
    قدم طلبك مع جميع المستندات اللازمة.
  4. المتابعة والانتظار :
    بعد تقديم الطلب، يمكنك متابعة حالته والانتظار للحصول على النتيجة.

بهذه الخطوات، يمكنك التقديم على فيزا شنغن فنلندا بسهولة ووضوح. تذكر دائمًا التحقق من التفاصيل المحدثة والإرشادات الخاصة ببلدك على الموقع الرسمي لضمان عملية تقديم سلسة وناجحة.

طلب تأشيرة فنلندا حصري
img 2729

A visa to visit Finland 2024

 A Schengen visa is an entry permit for a short, temporary visit of less than 90 days in any 180-day period. 

 The Schengen states have jointly agreed which countries’ citizens are required to present a visa. Each Schengen state decides which passports and travel documents it accepts from different countries’ citizens. 

 Check if you need a visa to visit Finland and what travel documents are accepted in Finland: Here 

  Schengen member states  are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria*, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania*, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. 

 *The membership of Romania and Bulgaria is exceptional – the removal of passport checks only applies to air and sea transport. Passport checks are still valid at land borders. 

 Even if you did not need a visa to visit Finland, you need a valid passport or some other travel document accepted by Finland. It must be valid for at least ninety days after your intended date of departure from the Schengen area. 

 In addition, the passport or other travel document must have been issued no later than ten years ago. 

 In case you do not need a visa, you can stay in Finland or in the territory of other Schengen state for ninety days in any 180-day period. 

 Upon arrival in Finland, you must meet the general entry requirements according to which a person must not constitute a danger to public order and security, national health, or Finland’s international relations. 

  Where and how to apply for a visa? 

If your main country of destination is Finland, you must apply for a visa at the Visa Application Centre indicated by a Finnish mission, at a Finnish mission or at a Schengen country mission representing Finland.

  To apply for a visa you need the following 

You will find country-specific instructions and document requirements on the  finlandvisa.fi  (Link to another website.) website. Below is general guidance on document requirements.

The visa application form completed and signed

One photograph

A passport

Travel insurance

Supporting documents

Parental consent is required for minors

Possible interview

Include a colour photograph from which you are recognizable. Please visit the Police website (Link to another website.) (Opens New Window)for guidance.

Make sure your passport is valid for at least three (3) months after the end of your intended travel and that it has been issued no later than ten (10) years ago.

Your travel insurance must be in force for the period of the validity of the applied visa and cover the entire Schengen area. The minimum coverage of the policy must be EUR 30,000 and the insurance must cover expenses arising from a sudden illness and accident (also the patient’s repatriation) and repatriation expenses in case of death.

The mission may request that you append certain documents to the application to show the purpose, conditions and duration of the visit. Examples of such documents are tickets, a confirmation of hotel reservation, a private invitation letter and an official invitation.

The invitation is a free-form letter indicating the host organisation’s or private host’s contact details and the invited person’s details, such as name, date of birth, address, passport number, and purpose and length of visit.

In case of a private visit, it is advisable to mention if your host is a friend or your spouse or relative. Please note that an invitation does not guarantee that a visa will be issued. The host’s wealth is not taken into account when the applicant’s economic situation in the home country is assessed (a business visit, for example, is an exception to this, because the applicant is not responsible for the travel costs). If the host pays for the applicant’s trip, a proof of sponsorship form with its supporting documents (see below) is attached to the application instead of the invitation. Even if the host pays for the trip, applicants need to provide information on their financial situation in their application. If the host does not pay for the applicant’s trip, it is enough to attach a free-form invitation letter to the application.

In addition to the above, you may be asked to provide information concerning the itinerary, means of transport, return trip, financial means of support and assets and employment. Some Schengen States require that they be consulted on visa applications submitted to Finland by citizens of certain countries. Such consultation is required for nationals of the countries listed here(Link to another website.).

The applicant must have proof of sufficient financial means to cover the duration and purpose of the stay and the cost of living in the country. In Finland a minimum of EUR 50 a day is required.

The inviting party may undertake to use its own funds to finance the visa applicant’s travel. For this purpose, the inviting party must fill in the proof of sponsorship form. The form must be signed in the presence of a notary public, who authenticates the signature. The following documents should be attached to the form:

  • a copy of the inviting party’s identity card and residence permit if the inviting party is not a Finnish citizen
  • a copy of the inviting party’s employment contract
  • a copy of the inviting party’s last three months’ payslips
  • a copy of the inviting party’s last three months’ bank statements
  • a copy of the right of possession of the dwelling (a lease agreement, a deed of sale, a register of occupants, or similar) if the visa applicant stays in your dwelling
  • evidence of family relationship if the inviting party and the applicant are relatives, or details of previous meetings, if any (passport stamps, travel tickets, or similar) if the relationship between the inviting party and the applicant is not based on family ties

  The visa application form 

Fill in the visa application form at the website  finlandvisa.fi  (Link to another website.). At the website, you will find information about the documents, appendices and passport photo you need to submit an application. You can check the required visa application documents without logging in on the website finlandvisa.fi.

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