فتح باب التسجيل للحصول على المنح الرياضية بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية للسنة الأكاديمية 2024-2025. تعتبر هذه المنح فرصة ذهبية للطلاب الرياضيين الذين يسعون للجمع بين التعليم العالي وممارسة الرياضة على مستوى متقدم.
فوائد المنح الرياضية:
- الجمع بين الرياضة والتعليم: هذه المنح تمكن الطالب من متابعة دراسته الجامعية مع الالتزام بتحسين مهاراته الرياضية.
- دعم مالي: توفر المنح الرياضية الدعم المالي اللازم لتغطية جزء أو كل تكاليف الدراسة.
- شروط التسجيل: بالإضافة إلى الأداء الرياضي الممتاز، قد يكون هناك متطلبات إضافية تخص المعدل الدراسى والاختبارات القياسية للقبول بالجامعة.
اقرأ أيضاً: التسجيل في برنامج الحصول على فيزا 1 J امريكا 2024
كيف تسجل:
- زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني: يمكن للمهتمين زيارة المواقع المختصة مثل Keystonesports.com للحصول على معلومات مفصلة حول عملية التقديم.
- ملء الاستمارات: تعبئة الاستمارات الإلكترونية المطلوبة.
- تقديم المستندات: إرسال جميع المستندات المطلوبة مثل الشهادات الأكاديمية والرياضية.
Sports scholarships make it possible for student-athletes to combine college sports and higher education in the US. Take the first step to become a student-athlete now!
Sports scholarships in the US
Are you an athlete dreaming of playing sports in the US while pursuing a degree? Make it happen with a sports scholarship! College sports scholarships allow students to participate in college sports alongside their studies.
Thanks to sports scholarships for college, you can receive financial support to cover the expenses of studying abroad and practicing your sport. As a student-athlete, you get to enjoy the best of both worlds: sports and education, and not to mention the exciting adventure of living in the US!
What is a scholarship?
A university scholarship is a financial grant provided to students to help cover some or all of the costs of studying at a college or university. There are various types of scholarships (sports scholarships, academic scholarships, need-based, and so on) which all have different requirements, sizes, amounts, and coverage.
A fully funded scholarship (also called ‘full-ride scholarships’) covers all the costs, such as the tuition fee for the entire degree program, accommodation, books, and board. A partially funded scholarship covers some of the expenses and often ranges between 50-70% coverage of the costs.
Sports scholarships
Sports scholarships, also referred to as athletic scholarships, present a fantastic opportunity for student practicing sports. Sports scholarships in the USA are awarded based on an applicant’s sporting skills, dedication, and talent in their chosen sport. With sports scholarships, students can enhance and advance in their sport without having to compromise their education. However, it’s important to emphasize that scholarships for sports don’t depend solely on athletic achievements and performance. Academic records also play a pivotal role in securing them. A GPA above a certain level is important for athletic scholarships as well, just like good scores on SAT, ACT, and/or TOEFL.
Academic scholarships
Academic scholarships are merit-based scholarships rewarded to students with excellent academic records. This includes the applicant’s grades, GPA, merits, and scores on college admission tests like SAT, ACT, and TOEFL. Some academic scholarships need to be applied for, while others are ‘automatically’ rewarded to outstanding applicants by the schools’ admission office.
How do I get a sports scholarship?
Sports scholarships recruitments can differ between states and schools. To apply and potentially get rewarded with a sports scholarship, the student must meet all the requirements. The applicant needs to provide records of current and previous performance in their sport in the scholarship application.
Except the sports performance, there might be requirements as well for GPA and college admission
test scores above a specific threszold.